In the Media 2018

December 2018

Professor Cindi Morshead explains her research into boosting the brain's self repair to heal stroke injury:

genetic circuit behind autism

Graduate student Samantha Yammine explains why and how scientists are redefining the kilogram:

Professor Cindi Morshead's research on stroke damage repeair featured in Science magazine:

Professor Ben Blencowe's lab uncovers more than 200 genes linked to autism:

October 2018

Professor Gary Bader part of the team that created the world's first molecular map of the human liver:

Professor Molly Shoichet talks to CBC's Metro Morning about Artful Science, an exhibition of scientific images at Toronto Pearson Airport

blast cells

September 2018

Professor Zhaolei Zhang and colleagues from the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Republic of Korea revealed the first DNA test for telling leukemia patients in remission the likelihood of their cancer coming back before it's too late to itnervene by other methods:

August 2018

Professor Liliana Attisano's lab revelas why some cancers grow faster than others:

Professor Gary Bader explains in this video why biology is becoming more like Google maps and why this is a good thing:

It’s Like Google Maps, but for Your Cells - Research 2 Reality

June 2018

An interview with Professor Gary Bader in Research 2 Reality:


May 2018

Our PhD student Samantha Yammine explains why some people hear Laurel and others Yanni in the latest viral video:

wheeler press

April 2018

University Professor Michael Sefton's research on diabetes and regenerative medicine is featured in U of T Magazine:

Professor Quaid Morris' reseaech on tumour evolution is featured in a U of T Magazine story on how artificial intelligence could tranform medicine:

Aaron Wheeler's  lab-on-a-chip technology brings high-end diagnostics to remote part of the world at a fraction of cost:

Jenga gene combinations

Research from Brenda Andrews and Charlie Boone's labs  revealed suprising new gene partnerships:

March 2018

Listen to Quaid Morris talk about how machine learning is helping researchers understand the human genome and be one step ahead of cancer (Integrate.AI podcast):

February 2018

Gary Bader leads a team of computational scientists, neuroscientists, engineers and chemists to decipher the brain's complexity (video by Research to Reality):

Molly Shoichet discusses her new role as the province's first Chief Scientist:

Brenda Andrews and Sachdev Sidhu forged new partnerships with pharmaceutical companies in India to translate antibodies engineered in the Donnelly Centre into new cancer therapies: