In the Media 2018
December 2018
Professor Cindi Morshead explains her research into boosting the brain's self repair to heal stroke injury:
- Activating the Brain’s Self-Repair Mode - Research 2 Reality

November 2018
Professor Tim Hughes' research on cannabis genome was widely featured in the media:
- Researchers smoke out the genes that give cannabis its kick - Toronto Star
- Ancient Viruses Are Probably Why Weed Has THC and CBD - Vice|Motherboard
- Ancient viruses inspired THC production in marijuana plants - United Press International
- The Reason Marijuana Might Have THC Is Revealed in "Cannabis Genome Map" - Inverse
- Así es como la marihuana consiguió sus canabinoides - La Vanguardia
- Психоактивные свойства конопли связали с древним вирусом - Naked Science

Graduate student Samantha Yammine explains why and how scientists are redefining the kilogram:
Professor Cindi Morshead's research on stroke damage repeair featured in Science magazine:
Professor Ben Blencowe's lab uncovers more than 200 genes linked to autism:
- Network of 200 genes linked to autism - AutismEye
- U of T researchers discover genetic network linked to autism - U of T News
- Genetic Network Linked to Autism - Technology Networks
October 2018
Professor Gary Bader part of the team that created the world's first molecular map of the human liver:
Professor Molly Shoichet talks to CBC's Metro Morning about Artful Science, an exhibition of scientific images at Toronto Pearson Airport
- Molly Shocihet on Artful Science - CBC's Metro Morning

September 2018
Professor Zhaolei Zhang and colleagues from the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Republic of Korea revealed the first DNA test for telling leukemia patients in remission the likelihood of their cancer coming back before it's too late to itnervene by other methods:
- New genetic test predicts risk of leukemia relapse - U of T News
- U of T researchers find way to predict leukemia relapse - The Varsity
- NGS-Based Post-Transplant Acute Myeloid Leukemia Assay Predicts Relapse Risk - GenomeWeb
- Scientists develop first DNA-based test for predicting risk of leukemia relapse - News Medical
- DNA-Test ermittelt Rückfall-Risiko bei Blutkrebs - Bild

August 2018
Professor Liliana Attisano's lab revelas why some cancers grow faster than others:
- Researchers uncover why some cancers grow faster than others - News Medical
- 'Protein behind cancer spread identified' - Business Standard
- Cancro, svelata la proteina che rende i tumori più aggressivi e letali: è un nuovo bersaglio -
Professor Gary Bader explains in this video why biology is becoming more like Google maps and why this is a good thing:
It’s Like Google Maps, but for Your Cells - Research 2 Reality
June 2018
An interview with Professor Gary Bader in Research 2 Reality:
- ‘Find the Science That Excites You’ - Research 2 Reality
May 2018
Our PhD student Samantha Yammine explains why some people hear Laurel and others Yanni in the latest viral video:
- CP24
- CBC Metro Morning
- The science behind Laurel v. Yanni - CBC Here and Now

April 2018
University Professor Michael Sefton's research on diabetes and regenerative medicine is featured in U of T Magazine:
- With Damaged Organs, a Chance for “Regrowth” - U of T Magazine
Professor Quaid Morris' reseaech on tumour evolution is featured in a U of T Magazine story on how artificial intelligence could tranform medicine:
- AI and the MD - U of T Magazine
Aaron Wheeler's lab-on-a-chip technology brings high-end diagnostics to remote part of the world at a fraction of cost:
- Portable test helps identify refugees at risk of outbreaks - Washington Post
- Lab-on-a-chip test could help prevent disease outbreaks in remote regions - National Post
- Shoebox-sized lab can diagnose infectious diseases from a drop of blood - STAT News
- Watch Aaron Wheeler and member of his lab talk to CTV News abotu their technology.

Research from Brenda Andrews and Charlie Boone's labs revealed suprising new gene partnerships:
March 2018
Listen to Quaid Morris talk about how machine learning is helping researchers understand the human genome and be one step ahead of cancer (Integrate.AI podcast):
February 2018
Molly Shoichet discusses her new role as the province's first Chief Scientist:
- Q&A: Meet Ontario's first Chief Scientist - Canadian Geographic
Brenda Andrews and Sachdev Sidhu forged new partnerships with pharmaceutical companies in India to translate antibodies engineered in the Donnelly Centre into new cancer therapies:
- KSIDC to set up bio-park with focus on cancer therapy - The Hindu Business Line
- Developing advanced therapeutics for cancer - The New Indian Express

January 2018
New technology for designing mirror-image peptides from Philip Kim's group:
- Protein mirror images could generate long-lasting biologics - Chemical and Engineering News
- Mirror Image Compounds Could Help Drugs Last Longer - Futurism
- U of T scientists create mirror-image molecules to develop better medicines - U of T News
Startup co-founded by Sachdev Sidhu raises $62USD for a new cancer immunotherapy using the Donnelly Centre antibody engineering technology:
- U of T prof’s startup takes cancer therapy to clinical trials - The Varsity
- New cancer immunotherapy gets a US$62-million boost thanks to U of T antibody engineering technology - U of T News
Grant Brown's team reveals the number of protein molecules in a cell:
- Scientists calculate proteins in a single cell and find 42 million - CBC News
- How many protein molecules in a single cell? Go on, guess - Cosmos
- Scientists Illuminate Life's Workings By Calculating The Number Of Protein Molecules In A Single Cell - IFLS
- Scientists Counted All The Protein Molecules in a Cell And The Answer Really Is 42 - Science Alert
- Scientists quantify over 90 per cent of the yeast proteome - The Varsity
- Por fin sabemos cuántas moléculas hay en una célula - El Mundo
- Simpele gistcel bevat 42 miljoen eiwitmoleculen - New Scientist (Dutch edition)
Croatian Molecular Biologist Igor Stagljar Reveals Lung Cancer Drug Now Ready - CroatiaWeek