In the Media 2015
December 2015
- Donnelly Director Dr. Brenda Andrews appointed Companion of the Order of Canada
- 2015 Order of Canada appointments - The Globe and Mail
- Order of Canada awarded to University of Toronto president, faculty members - U of T News
- "I think it's a brave new world and we have to just be cautious when we move forward with editing humans especially" says Jason Moffat - CBC news
- Jason Moffat discusses gene-editing technology - CTV News
November 2015
- Jason Moffat's team used genome editing to find the genes cancers depend on, revealing promising treatment strategies. As featured in:
- The New Gene-Editing Technique That Reveals Cancer’s Weaknesses - The Atlantic
- The game-changer that let doctors find cancer’s Achilles’ heel - Maclean's
- Now That We Can Edit Cancer's Genes, We Can Make Better Drugs - VICE Motherboard
- Gene silencing could lead to cancer breakthrough, says Canadian study - Cantech Letter
- Scientists map genes essential for cancer to survive - Medical News Today
- Scientists' identification of essential genes could lead to new cancer treatments - Gizmag
- Brendan Frey's Deep Genomics Start Up Closes Seed Round of $3.7m - BioITWorld
- Molly Shoichet discussing research and Research2Reality on Sirius/XM radio - SIRIUS Satellite Radio
- Molly Shoichet on the power of interdisciplinary research - Korean broadcaster EBS
- Chris Yip's collaboration with David Sinton (Engineering) helps discover new sperm motion that could improve fertility tratments:
- Sperm show U of T researchers a new trick: slithering - The Toronto Star
- Surprise! Scientists discover that sperm cells can slither - LA Times
- Scientists See Sperm Slithering For The First Time - Popular Science
- Henry Krause's see-through fish offer clear advantage to drug researchers - The Toronto Star
October 2015

September 2015
Dev Sidhu's Centre for Commercialization of Antibodies and Biologics partners up with biotech giant Celgene to develop cancer therapies
- Celgene antes up $25M for first seat at antibody engineers' new deal table - FierceBiotech
- Antibody Network Partners With Celgene for Cancer Therapies - UCSF News
- Andrew Emili co-creates the world's largest protein map to reveal cell's inner workings - U of T News
- Researchers Map A Protein ‘Tree Of Life’ For Species Across The Animal Kingdom - Popular Science

August 2015
- Ben Blencowe's research on evolution of the mammalian brain featured in:
- PTBP1: The protein that made us the smartest animals on Earth - International Business Times
- Read in Spanish El Pais
- Read in Italian RAI News

July 2015
- Federal government announced historic $114 M grant for Medicine by Design - a project that aims to establish the University of Toronto as a leading centre for regenerative medicine.
- Researchers hope $114-million grant will make Toronto a hub for stem cell research - The Globe and Mail
- Regenerating the Body - U of T Magazine
- Behind the Scenes with Molly Shoichet and Peter Zandstra - Engineering News

- Brendan Frey launches a start-up, Deep Genomics, to use machine deep-learning to spot disease-causing genes from genomic data.
- Toronto startup aims to shake up genome sequencing market - The Globe and Mail
- Meet Deep Genomics, a start-up bringing the power of deep learning to genomics - The Washington Post
- This Startup Says AI Can Predict the Effects of Gene Editing - VICE Motherboard
Andy Fraser's research was featured in:
- Genetic Background May Determine Disease Severity in Cystic Fibrosis - Cystic Fibrosis News Today
- Why Bad Genes Don’t Always Lead to Bad Diseases - U of T News
June 2015
- Dev Sidhu on CBC The National on the cost of antibody-based drug development.
- Cancer cures are being found one at a time - Andy Fraser in Toronto Star.
- Warren Chan receives NSERC Discovery Grant for research on "a ratinal chemical strategy for designing multi-functional nano systems" - U of T News
- Andrews, Boone and Moffat labs uncover how proteins move around in cells, featured in:
- U of T scientists release first comprehensive protein map of a cell - The Globe and Mail
- First-Ever Protein Map Will Help Scientists Understand What Makes Cells Healthy - VICE Motherboard
- New Map Uncovers the Traffic of Life in a Cell - Medicine News

May 2015
- Igor Stagljar named U of T Inventor of the Year - U of T Research and Innovation
- Igor Stagljar among the recipients of the CQDM-OCE grant for drug discovery in the Quebec-Ontario life sciences corridor
- Shoichet, Morshead and van der Kooy's work featured as:
- Injectable gel makes inroads against blindness and stroke - The Globe and Mail
- ‘Hydrogels’ Boost Ability of Stem Cells to Restore Eyesight and Heal Brains - Medicine News
April 2015
- Don't put too much faith in home-based gene testing - Fritz Roth in Toronto Star.
March 2015
- Dev Sidhu awarded the prestigious Christian B. Anfinsen Award from the Protein Society - Medicine News
- Molly Shoichet awarded the L'Oreal/Unesco For Women in Science Award:
- U of T biomedical engineer wins women in science prize - The Globe and Mail
- U of T professor’s excellence, ‘pioneering’ research shines light on path for women to follow - Toronto Star
- Canadian researcher Molly Shoichet wins L'Oreal/UNESCO For Women in Science Award - CBC The National

February 2015
- Gary Bader's research featured as
- A handheld device that can read your DNA - Toronto Star
- Amy Caudy profiled in In conversation with Dr. Amy Caudy - The Varsity
- Data from Fritz Roth's lab behind the latest student start-up to predict genetic disease - U of T Magazine
- Aaron Wheeler awarded NSERC Steacie Memorial Fellowship - U of T News
- Derek van der Kooy won the 2015 Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology Heinz Lehmann Award - Medicine News