Our yearly symposium for Donnelly Centre postdocs and RAs will take place on 10 November 2015, from around 10 am to 4 pm in the Red Seminar Room. This is a great opportunity to meet new colleagues and talk to an audience that is broader than at the bi-weekly seminars.
Our keynote speaker this year is Dr. Olivia Rissland from SickKids.
Registration is required for organizational reasons, and is open to all Donnelly postdocs and RAs. Please visit the doodle at http://tinyurl.com/PDF-symposium-2015 by 3 Nov. and choose whether you would like to give a presentation or just participate without presenting. Spots are limited! In case you are not on the regular PDF seminar mailing list, please also reply to ccbr-postdoc-seminars@googlegroups.com so that we know how to contact you.
Talks will be 10 min. + 5 min. for questions. Remember that your presentation should be accessible to colleagues from outside your field. A final schedule will be sent out to all registered participants a few days prior to the event.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided, and as last year, we would like to invite you to stay for a small reception after the symposium.
We hope to see you there! Jolanda, Javier and Ulrich