In the Media 2016

December 2016
- Benjamin Blencowe's team uncovers one protein's sweeping influence on autism:
- Introverted mice reveal clues to large swath of autism cases - The Globe and Mail
- Lacking a single protein may be the cause of 1 in 3 autism cases: Canadian research - Global News
- Cause of one third of all autism cases may have been discovered by scientists - The Independent
- Autism: Scientists May Be Able To Explain A Third Of All Cases - Huffington Post
- Shortage of a Protein Linked to Autism in Mice - The Scientist
- Molly Shoichet talks on TVO's The Agenda her lab's innovative approaches in repairing tissue damaged by disease.
- Molly Shoichet delivered a lecture at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics on Engoneering Change in Medicine.

- Gary Bader&co apply their algorithm, developed for mapping out biological networks, to something more festive:
- Mapping the perfect wine and cheese pairings - using data science - BBC News
- Looking for the best wine and cheese pairings? There's an app for that - CBC News
- How to throw the ultimate wine-and-cheese party using the miracle of data - The Washington Post
- A Xmas gift from U of T research: the algorithm behind perfect wine and cheese pairings - U of T News
- Become a wine and cheese whiz - The Varsity

November 2016
- Medicine by Design director Peter Zandstra weighs in on the future of US stem cell research:
- Funding surges in Canada as Trump win throws U.S. stem cell research in doubt - The Globe and Mail
- New approach to Ebola, SARS leads to research award - Toronto Star
- Up-and-Coming Toronto Researcher Earns Award for Groundbreaking Approach to Fighting Viral Outbreaks - Exchange Magazine
- Mississauga researcher’s path-breaking work opens up many possibilities - Brampton Guardian
- U of T researcher receives the Mitacs Award for outstanding innovation - U of T News
- Charlie Boone, Brenda Andrews and Fritz Roth tell us where in the genome to look for "good" mutations which might overcome those that cause disease:
- Two Wrong Genes Can Make a Right, but When? Rules Emerge - GEN News
- Mutation vs. Mutation - The Scientist
- Why Some Genetic Miscues Are Helpful - Quanta Magazine
- Wiedergutmachende Fehler im Erbgut können Krankheiten verhindern - Austrian Press Agency
- Bad genes aren’t always bad news say U of T researchers - U of T News
- Mutations that Serve to Protect - Research 2 Reality
October 2016
- Frederick (Fritz) Roth is on team awarded $75M to find cures for heart disease:
- Scientist using big data against heart disease wins $75 million award - STAT News

September 2016
- Brenda Andrews and Charlie Boone's team unveal the first global map of genetic interactions which begins to explain how genes behave in groups:
- Giant Genetic Map Shows Life’s Hidden Links - Quanta Magazine
- Five Ways Yeast Will Help Save Lives - Discover Magazine
- It Took 15 Years to Map Every Gene Interaction in a Yeast Cell - Motherboard|VICE
- Landmark Map Reveals the Genetic Wiring of Cellular Life - U of T News
- Synthetic Lethal Gene Pairs Reveal Life-Sustaining Genome Networks - GEN News
- The Genetic Roots of Disease: Landmark Map Reveals the Genetic Wiring of Cellular Life - Futurism
- The chatter inside all of your cells: First map of how genes interact could help us fight inherited diseases - Mail Online
- Una mappa completa delle interazioni genetiche nel lievito - Le Science
- Molly Shoichet was a guest on RawTalk podcast:
- Cindi Morshead features in the article on unregulated stem cell treatments:
- Be wary of clinics offering stem-cell treatment - The Globe and Mail

August 2016
- Molly Shoichet explains what's holding stem cell therapy back:
- Why scientific breakthroughs take time to move from lab to bedside - Toronto Star
- Phillip Kim develops innovative way to design highly-effective protein-based drugs:
- Paving the way to efficient and effective drug design - The Varsity
- Penney Gilbert talks about her research on muscle development and repair:
- Giving Your Muscles Superpowers - Research 2 Reality
July 2016
- Donnelly director Brenda Andrews weighs in on the federal science funding reforms:
- Pushback from scientists forces overhaul of funding system in Canada - The Globe and Mail
- Jason Moffat on the potential of gene editing in treating cancer:
- Scientists in race to test CRISPR gene-editing technique on cancer - CBC News
June 2016
- Molly Shoichet discovers a potentially quicker way to deliver drugs to where they are needed in the body:
- Discovery Could Help Deliver Protein Drugs - Forbes

May 2016
- Ben Blencowe's team develops a tool for studying the role of non-coding RNAs:
- Novel Method Allows RNA-RNA Interaction Studies in Context of Human Diseases - GEN News
- Brendan Frey's start up Deep Genomics gets featured internationally:
- How artificial intelligence could transform the medical world - Toronto Star
- Peek Into the Weird and Wonderful Age of AI - WIRED

April 2016
- Centre for Commercialization of Antibiodies and Biologics (CCAB), led by Dev Sidhu, partners up with ImmunoBiochem Corp to advance new antibody-based drugs - PR Newswire
- Fritz Roth's study on using yeast to hunt for damaging mutations in humans was featured in:
- Yeast Against the Machine: How Yeast Could Improve Diagnosis - U of T Medicine News
- Baker's Yeast to Identify Disease-Causing Genetic Mutations - Labroots
- Yeast Can Do a Lot More Than Make Beer – They Can Tell Us Which of Our Genes Cause Disease - American Council on Science and Health

February 2016
- Gary Bader featured as part of the Stand Up to Cancer Canada's "Dream Team":
- U of T-based cancer research group hailed as ‘Dream Team’ - The Varsity
- Henry Krause's drug-discovery pipeline using genetically engineered fish featured on FairChildTV (in Chinese)
- Brendan Frey in People Behind the Science Podcast: Diving Deep into Machine Learning to Read the Human Genome and Understand the Effects of Mutations.
Warren Chan's lab designed shapeshifting nanonaparticles for targetted drig delivery to cancer cells.
- How shapeshifting nanoparticles could deliver drugs to tumours - Wired UK
- Shape-shifting cancer – The Varsity

January 2016
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau backs commercialization of regenerative medicine led by Peter Zandstra
- Trudeau announces $20M for new cell regeneration research facility - CBC news
- Justin Trudeau announces funding for stem cell research - Canada Press video